Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 to 5, Sunday 11 to 3

Vitex agnus-castus

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Common Name: CHASTE TREE

Type: TREE

Light: SUN


Color: LILAC

Bloom Time: SUMMER

Height: 10

Width: 30""

Comments: Shrub to small tree, spice scented. [cite: 756, 757] Long lived. [cite: 756, 757] Drought resistant, but performs better with additional water. [cite: 756, 757] It covers itself with medium purple blooms- some years better than others. [cite: 756, 757, 758] It is a great plant for pollinators when in bloom. [cite: 756, 757, 758] Expect it to be covered with insects seeking its nectar. [cite: 756, 757, 758]