Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 to 5, Sunday 11 to 3

Salvia daghestanica - PLATINUM SAGE Plant Select®

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Common Name:-PLATINUM SAGE Plant Select® / Type:-PERENNIAL / Light:-FULL SUN / Water:-LITTLE / Color:-WHITE / Bloom Time:-SUMMER / Height-8" / Width:-30” / Comments:-Grown for its hairy, gray-green leaves that stay low: 8-12” (They are often mistaken for Lambs Ears.) It produces flower stems with white blooms that rise 2-3 foot above leaves for a short time early summer. The plant gets course after it blooms for a short time. Deadhead quickly. Cut the flower stalks below leaves. The plant may lose its early leaves, but new growth should stay nice looking the rest of the summer. / Garden Notes:-Foliage plant. Leaves become very wide- maybe 8” by 12” each.