Opening for the Season April 4, 2025! Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 to 5

Handmade Bird Baths at Canyon's Edge Plants

Have you walked by our front gate? Check out our lowered bird bath that Neal designed for dogs to drink from! The slow drip from the faucet head is perfect for birds and keeps the bowl full without overflow. These bird baths are perfect for year-round enjoyment! 

BIRD BATH................................................. $49.95

-Frame, 30 ft 1/4" plastic line

FAUCET AND CONNECTOR.........................$19.95

BIRD BATH SET........................................$75.67

-Frame, Plastic line, Faucet and connector

***Extra Plastic Line is Available***

Send us your orders or questions below and we will get back to you ASAP! Please make sure to include your phone number!