Opening for the Season April 4, 2025! Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 to 5

What do our sizes mean?

Check out our different size options!

We want to make the plant purchasing as easy as it can be for you. Offering different size options for you to choose from helps you plan out your garden more efficiently!

Please look at the chart below to get a better detailed list of pots and their prices:

Shallow 3" (20 or 28) $3.10
Shallow 3.5" (short 18)
Deep 3" (tall 20 or 28)
Deep 3.5" (18)
4" Square (15)
#1 Container
#2 Container $12.95


*NOTE: Plants will differ in pot sizes, some plants will have more pot options than others.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!