Collection: Succulents
Succulents are great house plants, easy to maintain and are beautiful to look at. They also make really great gifts!

- Make sure succulents get enough light - 6hrs or more of sun per day.
- If your plant starts leaning towards its light source make sure to rotate it, you may also need to put it in a sunnier spot if plant is leaning too much.
- Succulents need good drainage. Terra-cotta pots are good pots- they “breathe”. Plastic and ceramic work fine also- they probably will not need to be watered as often. Gnats can be attracted to plants that are too wet and that are not properly drained.
- When the top 1.25 inches of soil is dry its time to water. Plants may need more water in the spring and summer verses the fall and winter.
- When watering, Neal likes to water just enough that the soil dries out completely before the next watering (once a week or two) Taylor likes to soak soil until water runs out of drainage holes (If container has no holes, use less water) She may also put succulents with drainage holes in a pan of water to soak from the bottom. You’ll figure out how much water you need for your plants. Each plant and pot may vary a little. Using a spray bottle can cause brittle roots and moldy leaves.
- Do not over fertilize, in fact succulents do not need that much at all. Over fertilizing can cause succulent to grow to quickly and become weak and may attract insects.
Worried about how your succulent is doing? Bring it up to Canyon's Edge Plants and we will give you helpful tips on how to keep them healthy.
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