Common Name: Ellagance Series Purple Lavender
Bloom Color: Purple
Bloom Season: Summer to Fall
Fleuroselect Gold winner. Produces well-branched, bushy plants; provides early and prolific flowering; has unmatched uniformity; and delivers first-year flowering.
Type: Perennial
Ideal Sun Conditions: Full Sun
Mature Height: 14"
Mature Width: 12"
Garden Notes: They prefer hot, dry locations and do not like wet soils. Ellagance forms compact, bushy mounds of silver-green foliage reaching 12-14 inches tall by 10-12 inches wide and produces large, densely filled flower spikes from June to September. Lavenders are commonly used in containers, as border and mass plantings, and as cut or dried flowers. Additionally, lavandula is drought tolerant and resistant to deer and rabbit feeding.